Association for Research in the Field of Functional-Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology
U.E.R.G. is a professional, scientific organization and educational body for the field of functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology based in Belgrade.

About Us
Association for Research in the Field of Functional-Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology
U.E.R.G. is a professional, scientific organization and educational body for the field of functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology based in Belgrade. The organization is led by doctors, pharmacists, pioneers in the field of functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology who have acquired their knowledge for years at prestigious events in this field. Functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology is a relatively new field in gynecology. Research, in the sense of monitoring the effects of new surgical techniques, as well as the agents that are being promoted as innovations in regenerative and aesthetic medicine and that are being applied in the gynecological region, is a mandatory part of our work.
Combining clinical and scientific work, non-invasive, minimally invasive and surgical methods, as well as the application of medical products and supplements that have an aesthetic-regenerative effect, there was a significant accumulation of knowledge and experience, so the establishment of such an association as U.E.R.G. became necessary.

Our mission is to provide support and enable continuous educational programs for medical doctors through an organized form of expert and scientific work, as well as to define procedures and protocols within functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology in order to improve the quality of a modern woman’s life.
U.E.R.G. je interdisciplinarno udruženje funkcionalno-estetske i regenerativne ginekologije koje kontinuranim edukacijama okuplja lekare, ginekologe, urologe, dermatologe, specijaliste plastične rekonstruktivne hirurgije, lekare opšte prakse, psihijatre, psihologe, kliničke farmakologe, farmaceute, kao i lekare drugih specijalnosti, ali i zastupnike i distributere u cilju razmene iskustva, sticanja novih veština, znanja i implementacije naučno-istraživačkog rada iz ove oblasti.
The Association cooperates with other international related organizations in the medical expertise that deal with functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology in order to apply the latest technologies, minimally invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures for the benefit and improvement of women’s health.
The Association will work to raise women's awareness of the possibilities of functional-aesthetic and regenerative procedures that will improve the quality of their lives.
Become a member and contribute to the development of functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology in Serbia with your active involvement.
The vision of the Association of Functional-Aesthetic Gynecology Doctors is to create a world in which women have easily accessible and reliable resources for preservation and enhancement of the aesthetics and functionality of the intimate region, a world in which gynecologists and other professionals of the medical expertise have included regenerative medical techniques and procedures in their daily routine work.
- We are creating a network of professionals, enthusiasts, visionaries, who eliminate stigma and shame around these topics, promote an inclusive and informed environment for all women, and therefore become leaders in the field of research, professional education and provision of medical services related to functional-aesthetic and regenerative gynecology.

Continuous professional education for all U.E.R.G. members
What I get with U.E.R.G. membership
- Free lectures
- Discount on registration fees for participation in accredited education courses
- Notifications about congresses in the country and abroad
- The opportunity to participate in online consultations with members of U.E.R.G.’s expert teams, which will be organized on the first Monday of every month. The consultations will be related to the procedures in aesthetic, functional and regenerative gynecology.